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Fowler and Gilbert team BBQ

Mental health and Wellbeing support at Fowler & Gilbert 

Fowler & Gilbert takes the mental health and the well-being of our teams very seriously.

Our teams like everybody else have suffered over the last few years in relation to COVID and the impact that this had on all our families and friends and for some the effect of losing a loved one, we as a team have supported each other through these times and will continue to support each other as we face any other challenges that will impact on individuals and as a whole going forward.

Here at Fowler & Gilbert, we take the time to listen, a key element to supporting the teams that we have, being approachable and willing to take that time to allow individuals to download in a safe and non – judgemental way ensures that we can assist where ever possible and use the wealth of additional support networks available to all if needed.

We operate an open-door policy throughout the company allowing team members to download, vent or even catch up on things that have affected them or are having an impact.

Information gathered through awareness days like Mental Health and well-being are always talked about and information shared through our internal teams notices along with being displayed on staff boards around the complex.

There is a lot of stigma in relation to mental health and well-being issues, but as a company, we understand that everybody at some point will experience situations that will affect their personal mental health and well-being directly or indirectly and we understand the impact that this has not only on the company but those as an individual and their families.

The culture of feeling part of a team is well developed within the company and the company has and will continue to operate activities that support this such as barbecues, go–karting, evening meals, archery and clay shooting where team members and family can gather together and have fun.

We have appointed mental health aiders who are there to support and offer assistance and this can be accessed throughout the day, arranged home visits or off-site visits to discuss in-person issues or situations that are affecting individuals and for those that are preparing to return to work from absence or maternity leave and create a return to work plan that is practical for them and the company with agreed regular catch up sessions to ensure that their return to work is effective but supported and reasonable.

The steps that have been taken in Mental Health and well-being has an empowering effect on work and being part of the Fowler & Gilbert Family life.